Urban-Econ Development Economists was appointed by the Department of Small Business Development to conduct a study which provides Identification, Prioritisation, and Sequencing of Business Opportunities Including Profiling of Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) and Co-Operatives (Co-ops) as Part of the Eastern Seaboard Regional Economic Development Planning Initiatives.
The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD, or the Department) seeks to create and lead a coordinated enabling environment that supports small enterprises, ensuring that they become the heartbeat of economic growth and employment creation.
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The Annual Review of Small Businesses and Co-operatives in South Africa aims to contribute towards the promotion and development of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) as well as co-operatives by building a better understanding of the complexities of the sector by reviewing and analysing available data as well as engaging SMMEs, Co-operatives, government departments and agencies and highlighting the challenges faced by SMMEs and Co-operatives in South Africa.
A sizeable portion of South Africa’s workforce earns a living by managing or working in micro and informal businesses. The coronavirus, and responding government measures, have had devastating effects on businesses all over the world, with a disproportional impact on micro and informal businesses.
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The purpose of these guidelines is to provide municipalities and businesses with practical tools and resources to address municipal Red Tape issues which have the potential to improve the business environment for small businesses. An improved business environment is essential for supporting accelerated economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction.
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This report presents the results of a comparative analysis of South Africa’s National Small Business Act (No. 102) of 1996 with small business legislation in eight other jurisdictions – Brazil, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.
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In order to assist in improving the regulatory environment for small business, the Department of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) requested the Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) to contract Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) to conduct a study on the national regulatory burdens on small business.
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The period covered by this review (2008-2013) was characterised by considerably difficult economic conditions, with generally subdued overall growth performance, high lending rates, falling business and consumer confidence resulting in slowing demand and weakened capacity utilisation in the private sector.
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