Department of Small Business Development and SBDI to host the fourth National SMME Policy Colloquium
15 Nov 2017
The Department of Small Business Development and the Small Business Development Institute will host the fourth National SMME Policy Colloquium from Thursday 16 November to Friday, 17 November in Kempton Park.
After three successful colloquiums from 2014 to 2016, the Small Business Development Institute (SBDI) and the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) are joining hands yet again to host this year’s colloquium.
The Colloquium’s principal focus is to debate and interrogate policies that hamper the growth and sustainability of SMMEs. It also seeks to find sustainable solutions to the challenges that confront small businesses and cooperatives and to identify policy interventions that will contribute to the growth and sustainability of small businesses.
Minister of Small Business Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, will deliver the keynote address on Thursday. The Chief Executive Officer of Small Business Development Institute (SBDI), Mr Xolani Qubeka will share progress made since the first colloquium.
This year’s colloquium will focus on promoting entrepreneurship. The Master Plan seeks to create a template that would engender an integrated approach to SMME development across the South African economic landscape through collaboration between the public and private sectors.
Minister of Small Business Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, said that the SMME Colloquium would encourage effective dialogue and engagement between SMMEs, government and other key stakeholders as part of placing small businesses at the centre of job creation and economic development.
‘This Colloquium is a perfect opportunity to remind all of us about the crucial role that small businesses and co-operatives play in economic development and social cohesion. We continue to call on all stakeholders to partner with us in the process of discharging our mandate. We welcome and embrace new innovative ideas that can propel small businesses to new heights”, said Minister Zulu.
According to Xolani Qubeka, Chief Executive Officer of the Small Business Development Institute, the Colloquium provides a platform to all stakeholders in the public and private sector to debate and influence policy options that would contribute towards a thriving and sustainable SMME sector.
“SBDI is committed to playing a pivotal role in fostering the growth and development of SMMEs and co-operatives as major drivers for economic growth and job creation. Through this colloquium we aim to influence participation and engagement between SMMEs, private sector as well as government. The colloquium seeks to build a more robust and sustainable policy environment that places SMMEs at the centre of economic growth and development in our country”, said Xolani Qubeka.
The two-day event will be held as follows:
Date: Thursday, 16 November 2017 and Friday, 17 November 2017
Time: Registration from 7:30am until 8:30am daily
Venue: TRANSNET- Esselen Park Conference Centre (School of Rail), Road 91-1 Off R25; Modderfontein, Church Street, Tembisa.
RSVP: Clement Moaga 0826581357; sends e-mail)
Media enquiries:
Cornelius Monama
Tel: 060 960 3158
Email: sends e-mail))
Twitter: @cmonama