The Deputy Minister for Small Business Development, Ms Dipuo Peters led a Ministerial Imbizo at Magareng Local Municipality in the Francis Baard District Municipality, Northern Cape Province on 22 May 2024. Deputy Minister Peters was joined by Mayor of Magareng Local Municipality, Ms Neo Mase, Mayor of Dikgatlong Local Municipality, Ms Joyce Tshwanagae, Mayor of Phokwane Local Municipality, Mr Tebogo Africa, Member of National Council of Provinces, Mr Dikgang Stock and Councillor Mangie Tshekedi from Frances Baard District.


The DSBD imbizo was held in collaboration with Seda and sefa to engage SMMEs and Co-operatives from Magareng, Phokwane and Dikgatlong Local Municipalities on small business development issues and bring about real-time service in wheels about the offerings from DSBD and to mitigate on areas that are flagged as obstacles in SMMEs getting assistance from programmes on offer from DSBD

Event date